lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2018


If you go to Madrid you cannot leave without having eaten in....
Resultado de imagen de casa alberto

  • Casa Gonzalez: Were Woody Allen to set one of his romantic European whimsies in Madrid, Casa Gonzalez offers jamón ibérico de bellota, manchego cheese, wine....

    Resultado de imagen de vermut y jamón iberico
  • Casa Alberto: A total institution in the Huertas area, this classic bar lures passerby with its traditional bright red facade. It’s known as one of the best places in Madrid for vermut de grifo
  • Cervecería Cervantes
  • La Venecia: Time grinds to a meditative standstill in this dimmed, tobacco-stained cavern, where the only tipple is dry sherry from a barrel and the only tapas are sliced-to-order cured meats, fish and cheese 
  • La Casa del Abuelo
  • Triciclo

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